Tuesday 22 January 2008

Spare Rib's Anyone

Well, after a very positive day on Sunday yesterday was very uneventful.

During the early afternoon I bought into a $1000 Guaranteed Tournament which was progressing very nicely. I had a good chip stack early and the numbers remaining were dwindling at a good rate. As soon as we hit the first break I had a quick toilet break and put the kettle on. During the break I noticed the rubbish bin in the kitchen needed emptying. As I lifted the full bag out I soon remembered my cracked rib.

Within a couple of minutes I was back at the tables, drink in hand. After about ten minutes I was in some real discomfort and was struggling to get into a comfortable position where my ribs weren't aching. Some twenty minutes later I decided I wanted out of the Tournament so threw all in on some garbage hand to get knocked out.

The rest of the day was spent nursing said ribs so not much poker. Having rested them up over night I am hoping to get into a few games today.

If you play today stay lucky.

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