Tuesday 19 February 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

Sorry for no updates for a while. After a week on shift it has been very busy with the arrival of my in-laws.

Play has been a bit mixed for the last 5 days or so. I finally gave up with Fill Tilt poker for a while due to having an awful run of luck with the cards. I moved back to Carbon Poker and straight away was back to a winning form in my favourite $5 10 Seat SnG Tournaments. I also tried a few of their multi-table tournaments with very mixed success.

So the game plan for the next few days is to stick with the SnG's and see how it goes. I am hoping to build up my bankroll a bit more before trying some of the other tournaments. This should allow me to gain confidence again and also give me more of a safety blanket if things don't quite work out in my forays into different games.

Stay lucky.

Sunday 10 February 2008


Playing the higher level games seems to have thrown my normal game totally.

I think its time for a few days off to clear my head. Don't expect any updates for 3 or 4 days, while I try and regather my composure.

Stay lucky, god knows someone should be getting my share.

Saturday 9 February 2008

Back to $5

Having tried a few $11 SnG's today, I lost one and came third meaning I got most of my money back. However I went back to $5 and won the only game I played. I think I may stay at the $5 limits for a while longer and keep building the bankroll.

I seem to be a lot more comfortable at that level, which I think has been the problem I have had with the $11 level.

Stay lucky.


Seeing as I am currently nursing the hangover from hell, this will be very brief.

I played 3 $11 SnG's yesterday. I totally messed up the first two and placed second in the third making back the money I had lost so I will try and persevere with that level a little today but rugby might get in the way a little.

Stay lucky.

Friday 8 February 2008

A quick update

So far I have managed to play 2 $5.50 SnG Tournaments and picked up $32.50. Not a bad return. I think it may be time to move up to a higher stakes game as I seem to be consistently placing in the money at the $5 mark. We'll see how it goes.

Damned beer

Well today was quite uneventful. I received a call from a friend asking if I fancied a "quick"pint. So off I went to the Cross Keys, my local.

I had the intention of trying to play a couple of the bigger tournaments later in the evening. All was on track until a couple more friends popped in for a "quick"pint. Several pints later I was determined to leave and go home. Then the wife turned up and wanted a couple.

So to cut a long story short I finally got home and fell asleep totally missing the tournaments I was planning to play.

A friend of mine John who runs the Gambler blog http://john2e.lastminuteliving.com/my_weblog/, well worth a read by the way, turned up and enthralled all with some great stories of when he was a young lad on holidays with his friends.

Being wifey's birthday early next week we are going out for a meal tonight with some friends so not much poker action again. However I am hoping to squeeze a few games in this afternoon so stay tuned.

Stay lucky.

Wednesday 6 February 2008

Off at last

Well I have finally finished my 5 days on shift, time for some poker.

I have played 3 SnG's so far today but bombed in all of them. Just one of those days I guess. Every time I was holding a good starting hand noone wanted to play. I have been back through my hand histories and cant really see anything I did wrong, which is a blessing.

Guess I'll chalk today down to experience and that selfish bitch Lady Luck, Here's to hoping I could manage to hit the side of a barn tomorrow, because god knows I couldn't manage to hit many flops today.

Stay lucky.

Tuesday 5 February 2008

I Love Carbon Poker

I finally decided to try a tournament at PKR to see if the play standard was any better. Sadly it wasn't 4 people out in the first three or four minutes and some of the wildest play I have ever seen. After some deliberation I decided to withdraw my full balance and transfer it elsewhere.

I was tempted to put it into Carbon Poker but my balance is looking quite healthy there, so I will probably put it onto Poker Stars or maybe Full Tilt just to play during the quieter times on Carbon.

While waiting for my transfer to go through I thought I would have my first game on Carbon for over a week. I jumped into a $5.50 SnG 10 seat STT. After a very shaky start I finally found my way to the last 5 with one huge chip leader. I figured the best I would probably do was place in the money if I was careful. Eventually we were down to 3 and I had a reasonable stack, enough to sit back a bit and choose my hands. A friend started chatting to me on MSN and when I went back to the table we were down to two. I had about 3.5k against the chip lead of 11.5k. It wasn't looking good but refused to get drawn into marginal hands. Eventually I was given a pair of Q's and thought time to go. Put in a good bet only for the chip lead to come back over the top. Sod it I thought and went all in. He turned over AK and the flop came down AK8, oh bollocks. The turn brought a 5, still bollocks and the river brought the Q, trips woohoo.

That got me back into the game and within 5 mins I was at 14k, needless to say I made first. What a great return game. I am really looking forward to 5 days off coming up and getting back into Carbon.

Stay Lucky.


On the back of my previous win I decided I had enough time before work for one more 10 seat SnG. The only one I could find was a $2.20 buy in unfortunately. I had a very mediocre game and got to the bubble. It became one of the best games I have played in a long time, everyone was very even play wise and it went on for ages. Thanks fully I managed to snag another first place. All in all a very good day played 2 won 2.

Monday 4 February 2008

Busy, busy, busy

No update for over a week wow what a busy week. Work has been getting in the way of my Poker.

When I have been able to play it has been pretty uneventful as I have mostly been grinding cash tables at PKR to get my sign up bonus. That site is unbelievable, it has to have the loosest players I have seen in a long time, which also makes it a bit difficult as you just cant knock people off pots easily.

Now the bonus is secure I am planning to try a few of their tournaments, so we will see what happens.

Working for the next two night so very little poker and on Wednesday I am planning some RnR (i.e. pub), so I am looking forward to a good few sessions on Thursday.

Til then stay lucky.

Sunday 27 January 2008


Well yesterday was pretty uneventful. After getting back from work at about 7.30am, I spent most of the day in bed sleeping.

However I did place a new deposit at my account at PKR. PKR is a virtual reality type of poker site where you create a very customised character to play at the tables, great fun but a much slower rate of hands an hour to normal Internet poker. I deposited $50 and to try and gain my bonus dollars I played a ring game for an hour or so. I took $10 to the table and left with just over $20 so cant complain.

If you havent tried PKR I can heartily recommend it as a change form the rest of the rooms.

Stay lucky.

Friday 25 January 2008

Bloody Experts Everywhere

Last night myself and a friend, Alex, who also plays at Carbon decided to enter a $1000 Guaranteed Tourney. I started slowly but was beginning to pick up some momentum and chips when I had a full house beaten sending me tumbling out of the Tourney. Alex however managed to build a good chip lead and was progressing well when he was outdrawn to a much weaker hand which was a shame. Big up to Alex by the way, who despite being quite new to Poker, has managed some very good placings recently. In fact the night before he managed to get his first win in a reasonable tournament.

Today I have jumped into a few $5 tourneys and have been pleased to have made the money on one. Whilst it hasn't done much for my bankroll it is certainly building my confidence.

The second one was the most amazing I have seen. The guy that knocked me out played almost every hand and would go to the wire on bottom pair but consistently out drew people. One final hand I was holding AQ and I had A73 on the flop. The turn brought the Q and I had very few chips left so went all in. He called me with a pair of 7's and guess what the River brought for him. Absolutley unbelieveable. As I left the tourney he was top chip leader and consistently played complete garbage. Unbloody believable. Carlosxx13 I take my hat of to you for being so blessed.

The Third was a very solid game. I managed to get a few good hands early and took a reasonable lead, which I managed to maintain to the final table. I didnt blow it for a change and used my stack to bully wherever possible and caught a few solid hands too. Finally I got to heads up and managed to beat a very competent opponent to win $52.50. So the bankroll is growing nicely.

The only thing that has got to me in the last few hours is the number of bloody experts that play at the lower levels. It is strange that they are always the first to criticise a play, slag off a win and then be one of the first to tumble out of a tourney. I always try to just ignore them but one guy last night really got under my skin. I really need to work at just ignoring these people I guess.

If you play today be lucky.

P.S. If you have a minute spare please take some time to visit my friend John's blog at http://john2e.lastminuteliving.com/my_weblog/

Wednesday 23 January 2008

A Quiet One

Not much to report from yesterday or today a couple of wins in small 10 seat Sit and Go's and I also went out on the bubble in a $10 Multi Table Tournament.

I am also back on shift for the next 4 days so not much chance to play. Will keep you updated.

Stay lucky.

Tuesday 22 January 2008

Spare Rib's Anyone

Well, after a very positive day on Sunday yesterday was very uneventful.

During the early afternoon I bought into a $1000 Guaranteed Tournament which was progressing very nicely. I had a good chip stack early and the numbers remaining were dwindling at a good rate. As soon as we hit the first break I had a quick toilet break and put the kettle on. During the break I noticed the rubbish bin in the kitchen needed emptying. As I lifted the full bag out I soon remembered my cracked rib.

Within a couple of minutes I was back at the tables, drink in hand. After about ten minutes I was in some real discomfort and was struggling to get into a comfortable position where my ribs weren't aching. Some twenty minutes later I decided I wanted out of the Tournament so threw all in on some garbage hand to get knocked out.

The rest of the day was spent nursing said ribs so not much poker. Having rested them up over night I am hoping to get into a few games today.

If you play today stay lucky.

Monday 21 January 2008

A New Hope

Well I never thought this blog would ever get updated again. August since I last posted and that is mainly because I got so fed up with Net Poker that I didn't play for months. To start the New Year I decided to clear out all my accounts and put a couple of quid into one site.

For a couple of weeks CD Poker had my patronage. Rather than play the old Ring games that I used to I decided I would like to try tournaments and single table Sit and Go's. I have to be honest it has been going well. These types of game certainly seem to suit my play style more.

Yesterday was a real Red Letter Day. I decided that CD Poker wasn't the site for me and transferred it all to Carbon Poker, which is excellent. A few of my freinds have joined me and the fact that at any time they can be watching me has helped me focus a great deal. I tried a $25 buy in multi-table tournament last night for my first time ever. I relished the higher level of play and just hoped to get near to the final table as only the top 10 places carried any money. Early on I managed to take a reasonable position and much to my surprise I also managed to hold on to it. As it got closer to the final table I was pretty sure I would get knocked out but in fact managed to nail by biggest single win of $338 by coming second.

That has certainly boosted my bankroll and I am feeling very positive about playing at the moment.

Here's to more success later today.

Stay Lucky.