Friday 8 February 2008

Damned beer

Well today was quite uneventful. I received a call from a friend asking if I fancied a "quick"pint. So off I went to the Cross Keys, my local.

I had the intention of trying to play a couple of the bigger tournaments later in the evening. All was on track until a couple more friends popped in for a "quick"pint. Several pints later I was determined to leave and go home. Then the wife turned up and wanted a couple.

So to cut a long story short I finally got home and fell asleep totally missing the tournaments I was planning to play.

A friend of mine John who runs the Gambler blog, well worth a read by the way, turned up and enthralled all with some great stories of when he was a young lad on holidays with his friends.

Being wifey's birthday early next week we are going out for a meal tonight with some friends so not much poker action again. However I am hoping to squeeze a few games in this afternoon so stay tuned.

Stay lucky.

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